Duluth, MN area
2024 President: Brent Blaede
November-December 2024 Chapter News
The Autumn colors have come and gone here in the Northland and our antique cars and trucks have been put away for their long winter’s nap. Soon the Holiday season will be upon us and a New Year around the corner, but first, I have some car club news to report, so let’s get started.
I have some very sad news for us. Long-time Arrowhead Chapter member Peggy Moerke passed away on October 12, 2024 (obituary on page 5). Peggy was a loyal car club member. She and Bob were faithful to come to many of our events and volunteer for the club. Bob and Peggy loved to explore the backroads and go on daily sunset drives. One activity of special importance to her were her efforts with her friend and fellow Arrowhead Chapter member, Linda Finn, in founding “North Country RIDE”, a rehabilitation program for mentally and physically challenged individuals using horses as therapy. Started in 1982, it continues to this day with great success. Enough cannot be said about this special lady – Peggy, you will truly be missed but your memory and legacy live on. Our chapter has donated $100 to North Country RIDE in her memory and we keep Bob and their family close to our hearts.
The Arrowhead Chapter held our annual “Pot Luck Supper” on October 26th. Originally planned as a “Roaring 20s” party….with the illnesses, injuries and loss we have experienced, we decided to forego the costumes and frivolity and just have the potluck. We had a great turnout, as our potluck is always a popular event. Several members brought dishes from the 1920s which added some interesting tastes to our meal. The food this year was absolutely delicious! Everything tasted so good, many of us went for seconds, or um…ah hem…Thirds!
We held a short meeting and discussed our club shirts that we are having produced.
We were informed of a text from Region President John Rempfer that the Minnesota Region Board “voted” to assign the Arrowhead Chapter to host the 2025 MN Region Fall Foliage. With the death of a member, another having surgery with complications, another suffering a series of mini-strokes, another being beaten nearly to death by a resident of the group home where she is employed, another with internal and back issues as well as other members facing health challenges, the club took a vote and it was unanimous that the Arrowhead Chapter is simply not able to host an event at this time. It is our hope that the Fall Foliage 2025 will be picked up by another chapter.
Next up, we close out the year with our Annual Christmas Party. We will hand out the “Spirit of the Arrowhead” Award to a deserving member, as well as our gift exchange and the awarding of 50 Year membership pins.
Well, this brings my article to a close. Our membership has had a challenging year and we wish them good health and recovery. May all of us have a Thankful Thanksgiving – A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!